I am conscious that there are just 82 sleeps until Christmas Day! Actually that doesn't sound that close does it… kind of like when Dr Evil demands one million dollars in the Austin Powers movie…
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One Million Dollars |
You might recall that back in July I made myself a list (which I only managed to partially complete!) called Thirty Things in Thirty Days… Well, I'm at it again! After the momentum of Alex's Baptism and party were over, I sort of fell in a heap, and that's where I've stayed in recent months. But now its on like Donkey Kong!
So here it is… the new and improved thirty things in thirty days list for October (I'm aware that we have 31 days in October - but I need to get a rest in somewhere.. And we're already 4 days in!)
1. Sleep in past 8am (I can't believe I need to write this on a list, but others with young kids will understand it’s a rarity!)
2. Go see the bank manager about what would be involved (financially) in selling our current home and buying another one, to see if its viable
3. Make a decision about whether to sell now or hang on to this house for the duration of the down turn and ride it out (and then move forward with whatever we decide and not look back!)
4. Cull Alex's toys (even more overdue now than it was on the last list!)
5. Have a movie night at home with my 2 favourite boys
6. Bake some muffins with Alex to take to Church - he enjoys telling people he made them :)
7. Read another book
8. Put on a BBQ brekky for our friends Julie & Tony and their kids
9. Go op-shopping again in my local area (since I had so much fun last time) but this time with only $10
10. Revamp an op shop find
11. Tart up my desk at work (still haven't done this!)
12. Look after Julie & Tony's kids for a day so they can have some kid-free time
13. Try another project I've seen on Pinterest (again, I had so much fun with that last time)
14. Redecorate the area where my random cupboards (still) are
15. Go out for dinner as a family
16. Hang painting in the laundry
17. Bake some savoury muffins to take in for my work mates
18. Make a list of people to buy for (Christmas)
19. Make a list of presents to buy for those people
20. Start buying Christmas presents
21. Attend a house auction (whether or not we decide to move on - just because we've never done it before)
22. Settle on a theme for Alex's new big boy room (so I can ask Santa to bring some of the items to move it from my mind to reality!)
23. Fill out the enrolment forms for Alex's prep year
24-30. Complete 7 new sewing projects (don't have to be unique, just not previously started - and none for myself)
I know you're saying 'what the'? '7 sewing projects'? There are two reasons for this range…
Firstly, I found that when I got into my list last time I got really excited about the sewing I was doing and completed lots of projects, but other things fell by the wayside. So in order for my October list to be more achievable, I'm trying to give myself as much opportunity as possible to actually enjoy the things I'm crossing off.
Secondly, I am really trying to make as many Christmas presents as possible (many of which will be sewing projects) so this will allow me to kind of kill two (or three) birds with one stone by crossing things off my list, enjoying it as I go and getting prepared for Christmas.
So there you have it folks - my brand new list!
Who's joining me in getting some stuff done? I look forward to seeing your lists.
Bye for now :)
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